For the woman who married a person of color.

You love your partner but every time you go to a family gathering you feel uncomfortable and you don ‘t really know why. 

You are always told to bring a salad and the one time you brought something other than a salad, no one would eat it. 

You feel mad because you “don’t see color” and love your partner, but every time you say that people roll their eyes, and you just don’t understand what you said or did wrong. 

You want to be able to ask questions. You want to understand why no one trusts you. You want to know why when you go to church with your partner, people give you side glances. You want to know what the big deal is when people see you and your partner together. 

You’ve tried asking questions, but you’ve gotten a lot of crap for asking. You are afraid and ashamed to ask anything now.

You try really hard and you don’t know what you don’t know. 

You will be met where you are. You won’t be shamed for asking questions or blamed for not knowing what you don’t know. During our time together we will look at and understand what’s happening and learn about why you feel uncomfortable at the family cookout. 

Reach out now for a free 15-minute consultation to get more details on how we can help you. 

You do not have to keep feeling afraid. You can have a better understanding of your relationship and a deeper love for your partner.

Reach out to us via email now. We’re here for you.