For the parent who doesn’t want her kid to be racist.

You have a hard job. You work really hard to make sure your child is kind, has good grades, and makes friends. But, you’ve realized that lately your child has been saying things that aren’t ok or appropriate. 

When talking about a classmate, you’ve heard your child say, “I don’t wanna play with them…they’re weird.” When you ask your child who they are talking about, they say “that black kid in class.” 

They keep saying things like this and your heart stops. You know that it’s not ok. You thought you were teaching your child to be accepting of others, but now in your face is a thing you don’t want to think about. Racism. Where did they learn this?

It’s 2020 and we know parenting doesn’t come with a handbook.

It doesn’t come with a chapter titled, “how to make sure my kid isn’t a racist” but here it is. You know how you react is going to make all the difference. 

You aren’t sure what you’ve done or said that makes your child think that this is ok. You need someone to talk to about what happened. You want someone to help you figure out how to raise a child who is accepting of others.

You could go to the school counselor. You could ask the teacher what is happening in class. You could ask friends. But none of these options sit well with you though. You have this gut feeling that if you ask these questions, people will think you are either overreacting or that you will be shamed. Others may respond with, “What’s the big deal, so they don’t like them? Kids don’t like all other kids, that’s normal.”

You know this is different though. It’s the way your child said, “that black kid.” 

By talking to us, not only will you get a safe space to ask the questions you yourself never got to ask, but you will get to work with another parent. One who understands the struggles of raising a child to walk in the world we live in right now. 

By working with us, you will be increasing your own knowledge about racism as how to step in as a parent and educate your child. We know this is important to you, but how can you teach someone if you yourself were never taught?

Reach out to us via email now. We’re here for you.